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Entertainment is a risky business. MMFSPPAM (Marisa Michael Faith Sofia Peter Predictive Analysis Machine) can help. MMFSPPAM (named after the original authors of the "Getting My First Dog" stories) is a data algorithm that, using the cookies collected from user's computers, is able to compile the shows they most want to see, the movies they most want to watch, and the books they most want to read. The MMFSPPAM is not just a genius piece of software that all the movers and shakers in Hollywood are now using. It's now on the NY Times Bestseller list! After the writing and artwork of "Getting My Fourth Dog," people are flocking to the bookstores to read what some call an instant classic. 

Big Data allows us to see parts of the world we just couldn't see otherwise. It starts in the home-- MMFSPPAM, using Google's search data, is able to learn what users are watching, liking, and sharing. MMFSPPAM then processes this information to a lab in Iceland, where servers determine what aspects of these habits are habits that are to continue in the future by analyzing the user's entire life histories. They are then ready to receive assignments. 

The MMFSPPAM starts by figuring out its narrative structure, based on its previously compiled data, to guarantee the target audiences will be interested in the media. Once it does this, it begins story boarding, laying out what will happen in the scenes based on the visual patterns of motion it observes in the most popular media. It is then able to populate these worlds with 3D rendered characters, dynamic environments, and intelligent dialogue derived from cloud servers owned by Amazon, Google, and Apple, each of which record the population constantly for precisely this purpose, using devices like Amazon Echo II, Google Home, and the iSystem.

Once the scenes are rendered, they are ready to be run through to test groups. In most cases, the system needs to redo a lot of the scenes, as a lot of people report blandness or something missing. Eventually though, the machine gets it right! And once this happens up to 10 times, the time comes for the media to be broadcast to the public at large.

So far, everything has gained mass market appeal.

As it turns out, show business can once again become a business, and bring massive returns at a highly economical rate! The whole process costs 30% less than the average budget of animated movies for children today, BUT brings about a 100% increase in profit across the board.

Movies written by the MMFSPPAM include:


-Getting My First Dog - $250 Million Gross Revenue

-Sweet Feet - $160 Million Gross Revenue

-Brett and Braham - $180 Million Gross Revenue

-Motolat Elementary - $280 Million Gross Revenue

So what are you waiting for? Come join us!


The M.M.F.S.P.P.A.M Team

The amazing technology that is M.M.F.S.P.P.A.M

We're using Big Data to propel entertainment into the future

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